Dear readers, as you a probably aware, it’s now perfectly acceptable in the USA for an AI vendor to plagiarise any published creative works for it’s own use and profit.

This comment is from Bruce Perens about AI companies in a recent article on The Register…

“I think that AI is always plagiarism,” he says. “When you train the model, you’re training the model with other people’s copyrighted stuff. And what the AI does is mix and match and output a combination of what was input. We have to consider that. How do we compensate the people whose data was used to train the model? Should we be training it with open source software? I don’t think so. But it does more than that. It reads people’s websites. It reads the whole of Wikipedia. Nobody on the input side is being compensated fairly for the output. So that’s a big question we have to resolve.”

However, the parasitical large donators have spoken, and only other large corporations with legal teams (e.g. Disney), are allowed to have enforced copyrighted works in the United States for now.

Meanwhile, my own humble contributions to humanity will cease to be at this point.

If you have any self-consideration and privacy concerns, cease using any Google products, including Chrome, Gmail, Drive, etc. And Microsoft products, which are now festooned with trackers and keyloggers as they emulate Alphabet’s and Meta’s business models. If you’re still using any Meta products or X, there’s no help for you now, keep dutifully pulling the plow for free.

For browsing, try Firefox or Seamonkey with the NoScript and uBlock Origin plugins to start, then feel free to add Privacy Badger, Decentraleyes, Disconnect etc.

If you think that Apple isn’t collecting all your data for a profitable reason, my best wishes and condolences to you.

MX Linux, a free download, will install on nearly any X86 computer, including older ones with 32 bit, and will run alongside the Windows you’re running now so you can try it out. Look into Frugal Mode, which works on about 8 GB.

Also, there’s Asahi Linux for the Apple M processors.

Comments closed.

Carl Krall